01 Aug

Hello from everyone at the St Just Ordinalia. 

We can’t believe that it’s been almost 3 years since our community was lit up by the incredible experience of the St Just Ordinalia 2021. 

It was a landmark homecoming for Cornish culture. It saw the long-awaited return of four historic Cornish language play scripts - including The Cornish Ordinalia - to our soil for the first time in centuries, a wealth of community events and all three plays in the Ordinalia cycle performed at St Just’s historic Plen an Gwari - one of only two surviving medieval ‘playing places’ in the UK - for the first time in nearly 20 years. It was a huge undertaking and one we’re all incredibly proud to have been part of. 

Perhaps more importantly though, 2021 marked the start of our journey to establish an immersive, community-centred tradition which offers everyone the chance to engage with and explore the fundamental questions about who we are and why that matters. Communities like ours have come together over the centuries to perform stories like these because it offered an opportunity for people to share in an experience beyond the everyday which reflected their values and celebrated a world which was theirs. This spirit was at the heart of the 2021 Ordinalia and its success is a testament to the enduring and transformative power of this, our, tradition as a collective cultural experience. That’s why we are so passionate about helping it continue to grow, and we need your support to make that happen. 

The 2021 Ordinalia was made possible thanks to a raft of funders and the generous support of so many of you. We are in the process of applying for funding to help make the 2025 Ordinalia happen, however we are all too aware that there are never any guarantees, especially in the current financial climate, when it comes to things like this. In tough economic times, culture is sadly something that can all too often fall by the wayside and that’s something we cannot let happen to the Ordinalia. 

That’s why we have a wide range of ways you can offer your support to help us ensure that this tradition can grow sustainably and remain part of our community’s calendar for many years to come. 


This project is a big undertaking, and we have no paid staff until we receive funding. 

We are a voluntary team and any support you can give us, even just a price of a coffee a month, will help us reach our fundraising targets and cover the core costs of running the project. 

Click here to make a donation https://www.totalgiving.co.uk/appeal/StJustOrdinalia


Would you like to put on an event to support raising funds for the St Just Ordinalia? 

Do you want to complete a race or a similar fundraising event with us as your named charity project? 

Any support you can give is hugely appreciated and makes a big difference! 

Get in touch via info@stjustordinalia.com if you would like to help. 

Share your skills 

If you have particular skills or expertise that you would like to offer us pro-bono then please get in touch. 

You may be just the person we are looking for to join our charity board or help with a particular part of the project we need support with.  

Follow us 

Knowing you want to hear from us by signing up, following us and getting on our mailing list helps us show we have a passionate and willing audience for the St Just Ordinalia – and this helps our funding. 

Sign up to our newsletter here

Spread the word 

If everyone who cared about the Ordinalia and wanted it to happen again told five friends, there’d be many more people who would know about the project and support it. 

Sharing our socials, forwarding our newsletters, and telling people you know all have a massive impact and help us grow our audience and supporters.

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